The InfoFeed collects all of the prepackaged analyses and views on the site. It is composed of the following elements:
Dashboard A set of volatility graphs organized by asset classes and popularity.
Social Media Highlights Here the user can find all of our daily Twitter posts in several different formats. The posts are presented as a regular webpage indexed by date. Alternatively, we offer the same information through our RSS/ATOM/JSON feeds. Our updates are categorized by:
Vol By Moneyness Gives the user a picture of the volatility curves for a defined set of products and expirations.
At the Money (ATM) Time Series Shows the user the time series behavior of the At the Money (ATM) volatility for the contract closest to expiration. This is a useful proxy for understanding the general behavior of expected uncertainty.
Termstructures Displays the termstructure of different products.
Correlations Presents a statistical summary of futures prices and At the Money (ATM) volatilities. We show averages, mean rates of return, average change, minimum and maximum returns as well as standard deviation, and the most interesting facet: correlations between prices, volatilities, and between prices and volatilities.
Economic Events Calendars A calendar view of upcoming economic events. These events move markets. They have a profound influence on volatility. We track announcements from the US Treasury, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Energy Information Agency, and others.