General Disclaimer: (c) is an analytics and research entity which prepares analysis of options markets based on well known and commonly used models, including variations thereof. (c) uses data which ultimately originates with the exchanges. There is limited ability to verify or dispute the accuracy of this data. Exchange settles are treated as a given-irrespective of their economic applicability or likelihood of being correct. (c) is not a broker/dealer, commodity merchant broker, advisor, pool operator or registered advisor of any sort. Always consult with trusted and licensed advisors before making any financial decisions. Any information presented in this document, on the the company website, through email communication or phone is intended to be understood in an academic sense. We specifically make no claims as to fitness for purpose of any of the techniques employed to calculate our statistics, data or presentation. The user should verify all information and employ advisors to ascertain fitness for purpose of any presentation generated by us. Nothing in any presentation of, its principals, employees or contractors should be construed as an encouragement, inducement, incitement or advice to trade or engage in any transaction. Any use of estimates, statistics, forecasts, best guess and so on, are just that-best guesses. Please treat them accordingly